Most used flutter package that every flutter developer should know.



Plugin or package are considered to be one of the most efficient ways to reduce your development time and it is being used by many fortune companies since building a package/plugin from scratch might take months/ years of work.

Photo by Justin Morgan on Unsplash

Hello guys, This is CodingWithTashi and In this shitty post, I will share some of the most used packages/plugins for your flutter application.

  • We all heard somewhere that flutter is all about widgets but what we didn't realize is that there is no single flutter application out there that was built without a single package.
  • One way or another, we will end up using flutter package in your application. That is why It is important to know flutter packages as general and some of the most used packages as well.
  • If you are more experienced, Then you could also consider building your own package and contributing to flutter community.

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Let's start our count down with no preference in ranking. Make sure to give a star if any of these packages is helpful to you as these developers made our life a lot easier.

  1. rxdart / flutter_bloc / provider / riverpod

Flutter state management library can reduce a lot of heavy work which in turn reduces your application size and execution time. Some of the most used packages are rxdart, flutter bloc, provider, riverpod etc.

2. shared_preferences

To store simple variables such as bool, int, and string in your application. You can use shared preferences instead of having a database.

3. url_launcher

If you want to launch email/web for an external URL or email, you can go with url launcher.

4. path_provider

If you ever need the application file path or the location of the device file path. You can use path provider for that.

5. flutter_local_notifications

Need to push notification in your application, you can use flutter local notification.

6. sqflite / drift / hive

Here is the best one, When we need to store a large chunk of data in your device. You can go with the sqflite for ios/ android/ mac but if you want to support all platforms go with drift or hive.

7. geolocator / location

To get the user location, you can consider using geolocator or location package.

8. flutter_native_splash

To avoid white screen while your application is launching, you can use flutter native splash package to display an image or application logo.

9. connectivity_plus

In some cases, you might one to check your internet connection, to do so you can simply use connectivity plus package to track your internet connection.

10. share_plus

We always wanted to share the useful apps with our close ones, for that you can simply use the share plus package.

11. package_info_plus

To get the current application build name and version. You can use package info plus to get the version.

12. just_audio

We all have a dream to make the next Spotify in your native song. For that, you can consider using the just_audio package.

13. intl

Intl package is by far the most helpful and monopoly package for formating date and internationalization and much more.

14. google_fonts

You might need a different font for your application, instead of downloading and using a custom font, try using google font first out of the box.

15. font_awesome_flutter

While you can use google material icon in your application, you could also consider using font awesome icon for some icon that is not available in the google material icon

16. firebase_core / firebase_auth / firebase_messaging /cloud_firestore / firebase_storage / firebase_crashlytics / cloud_functions

Firebase is one of the easiest and most popular backend tools that does not require a lot of work.

Great, that is all the package that I have got to share with you, If you happened to know more than half of this package then I would say you are already a decent flutter developer or maybe an expert if you contributed any of them in past.

That's all, Thanks guys, I hope you like this shitty blog. please make sure to give a clap 👏 and leave some engagement. let me know if I miss anything or if there is any other popular package that is missing from the list.

Check out more blogs from CodingWithTashi. Connect me on GitHub or Instagram or YouTube.



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