Stripe Payment Integration with android



This post will explain you how to integrate your application with the stripe payment gateway.

Well, Last year I have made video on stripe payment integration and people seems to found it useful but for some reason my website has been taken down. That why I am going to rewrite the code again in this blog post.

If you prefer to watch video tutorial, Please check this out.

Also if you just want the source code , you will find it at the bottom of this blog post.

Now brace your self and lets get started.

This post has two part

  1. Android Project
  2. Node js (Server code) It is just 10 loc

We will start from android

  1. Android Project

a) In build.gradle file

  • Add stripe,okhttp and gson library

b)In AndroidManifest.xml

  • Add internet permission

c)In activity_main.xml

  • Now in activity_main.xml, design payment UI


Spoiler Alert: code is lengthy and it will get you bore, But it is actually simple and worth it. Copy and paste code in your project and read these point to understand better.

  1. Initialize view and stripe
  2. We need to set up BACKEND_URL in your project, we will do it in a minute
  3. Now when payBtn is clicked get the amount and start progress and call start checkout to get paymentIntentClientSecret key.
  4. You will get paymentIntentClientSecret key in onPaymentSuccess method and then call confirmPayment function to start transaction
  5. You will get the result in onActivityResult method and call PaymentResultCallback and it will call onSuccess method if transaction is successful inside that class.
  6. Your payment is complete
  • In

e)Before you run the we need to set up BACKEND_URL so for that we need to deploy our server code and add network security configuration first.

  • This setup is done to call network in your emulator and real device
  • To set network security configuration, create new xml called network_security_config.xml
  • If you are using emulator add
  • For real device make sure you are connected to same network and then get IP of your pc and paste it here. In my case
  • You can get your IP by run->cmd->ipconfig->IPv4 address

f) Once you create network_security_config.xml, update your AndroidManifest.xml file like below.

Hu!! Now that android part is done. Lets start server side

2. Server Code

I know you are here for Android but trust me it is just few line of code and setup.

Get code from GitHub or create new nodejs project.

  • If you are using GitHub code, then just run node index.js in cmd and update port and URL of BACKEND_URL and you are good to go.
  • But if you want to create new project

a) Create new project from cmd npm init

b) Install express npm install express — save

c) Install express npm install stripe — save

now create new file name index.js and add following code

Now update your BACKEND_URL to http://YOUR_IP:PORT/, In above case PORT no is 4242.

Now run node index.js in your cmd

Okay, lot of work right. But It will pay off. Now run the app and check. Payment should work by now and It will reflect in stripe dashboard too.


  • Application

Demo Gif Image

  • Dashboard

Stripe Dashboard after payment

Let me know where ever you face issue in in comment section I will be happy to help you out. Also you can get the source code from GitHub link.

Alright, So again you made till end of this post, great achievement!!!

Checkout more blog from CodingWithTashi. Follow me on twitter or Instagram or YouTube. Buy me a cup of coffee PayPal

That all,Thanks guys, I hope you like this shitty blog. please make sure to give clap 👏 and leave some engagement.



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